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Here, please feel free to make any comments or queries any of the material on the site. (Press “read more” button to get to page to add comment.)
42 Response Comments
I am having a difficult time applying 1st Peter 2:13-14. Does submission to every human authority include obeying every man-made law that doesn’t specifically go against God’s commands? I struggle with things like j-walking, which is illegal, so it has made it challenging to get around town. I also struggle with even touching my phone while driving, even if it’s just to answer a phone call, since my state requires hands free driving. I also struggle with not following the directions on cleaning products that say, “it is against federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with it’s label. One last example, although there are many more, I struggle to go the speed limit and am constantly checking to see if I am speeding. I fear that if I continue to break these laws, I will continue or fall out of fellowship with God, or worse; I will get a reprobate mind and will no longer be able to repent. On the other hand, I see my fixation on following these laws as possibly trusting in my works and not living the way God wants me to. I fear that if I decide to follow all government laws my life will continue to get very small. Any assistance with applying 1st Peter chapter 2.
Lord, help me be Willing.
Thanks, Everyone
Hi Ben, the key here is applying one of the absolutely most important rules for all OCDers: With respect to following the suggestions of our obsessional fears, we must make ourselves behave as another good Christian man or woman would who does not have OCD. It is so hard to remember that our obsessional fears become so strong, and so believable, that we lose our judgment completely in the area of what they concern. This is a lesson in humility that is being taught to us by God. Therefore, you must determine what other good Christians do in these situations.I have a feeling you already know that, at least in your better moments. Then you have to force yourself to act as they would. This of course is extremely difficult. You are thrown into uncertainty and you really don’t know at that time that you are doing what is right. You have to psych up and muster the courage to break these compulsive behaviors as much as you can. It is the enemy that it’s getting at you. God is pleased if you take the risk and trust in him for the result.
i Understand and Agree Dr. Part of the issue is that when I ask fellow Christians I get different opinions. Some speed some don’t, some text and drive others don’t.
What’s the proper way to handle “real event OCD”. I wrestle with if private sin that effects no one other then me and God, must be confessed to others. I feel as if my sin must be shouted from the rooftop for all others to hear. I feel as if it is the Lord telling me to confess in order to be free, but confession would truly help no one, and would actually make things bad for others. I work in ministry, and struggle with a sin that I have for years, and I cannot tell if it is the Lord telling me that it is time to step down and completely leave the church, openly confess my shame to everyone, or if this is merely ocd. It’s a constant feeling of a heavy burden on my chest and I can’t seem to shake it, even though it has been 3 years. Thank you
Hi Taryn,
What you describe is very typical of OCD patients who are Christians who suffer from religious obsessions focused on their sinfulness. The key here, the whole key, is establishing whether or not you actually have obsessive compulsive disorder. If so, there are very clear guidelines for how to Approach this and through doing so to grow closer to God. That’s pretty much the main thing I talk to people about in my consultations and that also is a Main subject In my books and I think also in the “100 topics” section of the website. So I really encourage you to work with a therapist Who can help you with this. There are also a number of very helpful books on OCD to read.
What do you think? Take care, Dr. O.
Dear sir,
For more than a year and a half, I’ve believed God had told me who I would date (and, if spared, marry). The time-frame in which I expected such a relationship to start, however, has elapsed, and my faith in this promise is collapsing. Is there any reason not to believe this was my OCD talking all along, as it were? I do have OCD; I take sertraline for it, and I’ve experienced “overvalued ideas” (persistent severely flawed reasoning) before.
Best regards,
I would tend to question whether that is OCD, although you haven’t provided a great deal of information on it so one can’t be sure. But the key is that obsessions always involve fear. OCD is always a disorder of fear never a disorder of desire. It seems to me that the idea that God would provide you with a mate is a basically pleasurable thought. it wouldn’t seem to me that that thought would immediately cause fear, like the thought, For example, “my hands are contaminated.” What do you think or other people think about this?
How do you interpret the verse that “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of love and a sound mind”? I can’t seem to wrap my head around if fear/anxiety/OCD/other anxiety disorders is a demonic spirit? My church is more charismatic and would claim that most anxiety/depression/mental health issues are spiritual warfare. How could OCD be both a medical disorder AND a spirit? If it were a spirit, wouldn’t it require spiritual solutions? and if it were medical, wouldn’t it require medical solutions only? Any insights here appreciated.
I think God works through everything; arranges everything; engineers every circumstance. This includes the biological workings of the human brain. So, OCD is at one a medical and a spiritual “disorder.” God arranges for a person to have it for his own reasons (to learn to trust in him more is what I think). But OCD should be approached from the physical angle (meds, secular ERP), as well as (and most importantly as) a spiritual challenge or lesson. It involves suffering, prayer, learning, and growing closer to God through it. What do people think?
I agree with that Dr O, that God is sovereign over these things and allows them for a purpose – to sanctify us and also to keep us humble (2 Cor. 12: 6-9). It’s likely that even my OCD has wrapped onto this. People in the more charismatic circles would classify what we experience as “lies from the enemy” that need to be rebuked with truth from the Word, and prayer. And thats where Im hung up on – viewing the source of what we deal with as from the Enemy or our brains. But what I think I hear you saying in your response and even in your blogs is that it is simultaneously both from the Enemy and our brain at the same time, while being used by God to sanctify us. Curious if you’d add anything else to that.
Yes, Exactly, Dan. That is my view. That God uses Satan for his own purposes. Many people also find it helpful to view our OCD anxiety – driven thoughts, as being a part of the old self. Luther himself says that the old self must be killed off in order to make room for faith, which is found in the new self. The old self is killed off through willingly suffering the fear of OCD thoughts. What do you think?
Hello everyone.
I’m nineteen years old and it was only a few months ago that I realized that I had OCD. It’s a long story, but it started when I was eight years old. I became a Christian at the age of seven. I always loved reading, and at eight years old I started reading through a biography of Richard Wurmbrand. He was a Christian who was imprisoned in Romania and severely tortured for his faith. I was probably way too young to be reading about this. Anyway, at one point in the book, he confessed that there was a voice in him that said, “I hate God” because of all the terrible things he was going through. Somehow for me, this triggered something in me that wanted to say this blasphemous thought in my mind. I don’t know how this happened, but immediately I got into this repeating rhythm of saying in my mind, “I don’t hate God, I don’t hate God, I don’t hate God,” repeating over and over and over, almost every second of the day. Nothing else could get into my thoughts, just this continually repeating phrase. This continued on for about three years. This sentence stayed the same, but other ‘anti-blasphemous’ thoughts were added. This became extremely terrifying for me, as well as very difficult to do anything that required brainwork, like reading, or doing school. After about three years, these thoughts disappeared for no apparent reason, but a few months later they came back in full force.
Fast forward to today, at the age of nineteen, and I still have repeating thoughts. I’ve managed to get away from a lot of the ‘anti-blasphemous’ thoughts, but instead, words, sentences, phrases, lines from a song, or even just instrumental music are constantly repeating endlessly in my mind. It’s gotten to the point where I don’t remember how it is to have a normal thought. Also every time I listen to music, I automatically add words (random or having to do with God) to the music, especially instrumental music. I feel like I’ve tried everything to stop it, and they just won’t go away. My faith in God is still strong, but these repeating thoughts constantly wear me out and get in the way of study and work. I’m wondering if anyone has heard of anything like this, and if anyone has any ideas or suggestions. Thanks!
Man, that’s a tough story, Josiah. I feel for you. God must love you very much to test you so much. Anyway, it is certainly a blessing that you have finally discovered that this represents OCD. It is critical that you begin some structured therapy to address the OCD. Have you started this? Also, almost certainly you would benefit from medications. You ask, has anyone has heard of anything like this? What you describe is typical (although perhaps unusually severe) blasphemous obsessions and mental compulsions consisting of counter thoughts. What do you think? I.O.
Hi, I’ve just recently started reading some books on OCD, as well as reading the articles on your website. I haven’t started any therapy just yet, although I’m planning on speaking to an OCD specialist. I have tried doing a little bit of ‘exposure therapy’ on my own, meaning exposing myself to a few of the trigger thoughts and sounds that I usually avoid. This has helped just a little bit. Just knowing that I have OCD has also helped.
Thanks for answering and thanks for the advice One thing that has been encouraging to me is what the Bible says about suffering. I think that it’s good for all of us to remember that God works all things for our good. Also, suffering produces endurance, which produces character, which produces hope. I’ve definitely learned that through what I’ve been through. I believe that God puts us through intense trials like this because he loves us, like you said. Thanks again for the advice. I’m also glad to know that these thoughts are not totally uncommon.
One thing I was wondering is, for OCD this severe, is it likely that I will be totally free from this one day? Or will there probably still be some things that don’t go away for good?
Honestly, the goal with OCD (particularly childhood onset) is to knock it down to the point where we are not doing significant compulsions, and have learned to effectively deal with obsessions so they don’t hang around too long. In other words, to get to the point where the OCD doesn’t significantly interfere in our lives. That’s fine…most of us will gladly take that! Please do check in with how you are doing.
Hello, I always find my way back to this website to keep in touch with the knowledge and support that is shared. I am a Christian and a minister and have been battling against intrusive thoughts that show up at anytime and about anything…and everything.
After having my first child over 20 years ago and diagnosed with Post Partum Depression that was progressing to Post Partum Psychosis, I have been fighting this uninvited visitor in my thinking. Days can go by and all is well and then all of sudden I am blindsided by an attack…from the fear.of saying something inappropriate, eating things that could make me ill, to not following the law or a rule, to hurting someone with my car……I always combat it with the Word of God, casting the thought down, taking authority over the enemy by using the blood of Jesus and the name of Jesus. His peace manisfests. I take a deep breath and keep moving. I minister and teach other women who battle fear, intrusive thoughts, etc. Joyce Meyers have great books I use and read, “Do It Afraid” and “Battlefield of the Mind”, however, the Ministryt of trust from this website is where I come back to for information to help me to become grounded for those intermittent, surprise attacks. I have also noticed that my diet, sleep deprivation, stress and lack of water plays a part in the appearance of these uninvited guests. I have become more focused on Selfcare, rest and relaxation and limiting access by those who bring much stress. Thank you Dr. Isdorn for keeping this page open, running and available for us to share, support and receive!! All I know and believe is that the Grace of the Father is sufficient for this testing that we may be experiencing and I have learned that I cannot live without Jesus in my life!! He truly is my Savior, my deliverer, my strong tower and my refuge. Peace and blessings to you all!!
I found your comment so encouraging, Cynthia. Thank you! I like what you say about the importance of self care and like you I’m very grateful for Dr Osborne and the people who share on this page. God bless!
Hey everyone! I have been wondering if I might have OCD. In general, I am a very anxious person and have always struggled with different fears. My most recent fear has been worrying if God is real or not, and if I truly believe in him at all. This fear has come off and on over the past 3 years or so. Recently, it has gotten really bad. I have been unable to attend church, pray, read scripture, or interact with God without my mind racing with fears of if God is real or if I really have faith in him. I tried going to a counselor about this problem but it only got worse as he told me that I needed to be reading my Bible and praying everyday. When I shared with him why it is so difficult for me to do these things, he suggested that I was resisting the Holy Spirit, and that I needed to repent and turn back to God. Obviously, this only made my fears much worse. Does this sound like just a spiritual problem to you or is it a mental health problem? I have made an appointment with a psychiatrist to hopefully get some answers. However, this is also hard for me because I have a lot of fear and distrust with medical professionals. Currently, I’ve been trying to just distract myself and not think about God. However, when I do allow myself to think about him, I realize that this may not be the best because now I am turning away from God. If anyone has any helpful advice, it would be greatly appreciated!
That definitely sounds like OCD, Carrie. It is normal for people, at times, to have doubts about God, faith, and salvation. What makes it OCD is when the doubts become extremely fearful and sticky (obsessions), and they are dealt with by excessive thoughts or behaviors (compulsions) that go on and on in attempts to gain reassurance. Another thing that happens is avoidance of triggers to the doubts (this would appear to be what’s happening with you in your avoidance of church, etc). There are a number of ways for a Christian to look at what is happening, and unfortunately the pastor you consulted appears to have chosen a really bad one. One good one, for instance, is that the enemy is using doubt to bring you away from faith. The enemy works through OCD. So, you need to learn some good ways to deal with OCD in order to fight the enemy. These will, hopefully, invite Grace into your life and bring greater faith. What do you, and anyone else reading this, think?
Hello all,
I can’t stop obsessing about people going to Hell. I’m constantly sick and worried about others. I can barely stand seeing people from other cultures because I’m so terrified. I’m terrified that this thought will morph into me losing my faith.
Sounds like it might be OCD, Scott, but it could be depression or possibly generalized anxiety as well. Have you seen anybody about this? It is important to nail down whether you do actually have diagnosable OCD, because if you do that points to a specific type of treatment (ERP). What do you think?
Good questions! I do not have diagnosed OCD (though my counseling therapist wife has strong suspicions.)
I awoke around 11pm on Feb 5th to witness my adult daughter have a seizure, but for about 20 seconds before I figured out what was happening I thought she was choking/otherwise somehow dying right in front of me and my wife. This led to tons of worry/anxiety death focus, which led to depression, which led to constantly ruminating on hell. So… that’s my brief story.
When I’m not having anxiety and depression my thoughts lock into place and all of my beliefs make sense and I don’t dwell on such things. I “feel” like a Christian and then I’m able to freely praise God and have joy. My joy is currently nowhere to be found.
Thanks SO MUCH for your help and ministry. I just want my brain and my God back.
With an obvious severe trigger like that, I wouldn’t call it OCD, although triggers that cause PTSD type symptoms can sometimes also trigger long-term OCD. The event does appear to have triggered some really significant anxiety and depressive symptoms, though. One would expect that after a few months at most, a person would naturally work through a scare like that on their own. I would think it would be appropriate now for you to seek some help from a professional. Meds might be indicated. Maybe see your family Dr. Also seek support from church or a therapist. It’s a test from God, and you will grow closer to Him because of it.
Thanks for your thoughtful response.
Hi Scott, thank you for sharing this, & I am so sorry you are suffering in this way. 😞. I have been recently struggling with this exact same thing. I do have diagnosed OCD (2009), & precious Dr. Osborne helped me tremendously back in 2018.🙌. His work, books & this site continue to be such an encouragement & rescue for me. Especially the “therapy of trust” in God.✝️. “We live in a love story, set in war.” (Wild at Heart, John Eldredge). So it can most certainly be rough out there. & the battle is real. I just want you to know that you are not alone, brother! I am so glad you found this website.😊. I’ll be praying for you.
Has anyone had OCD around being a bad parent? I’m so hyper aware of my frustrations and actions towards my children and whether they make me a bad parent. I find myself confessing all the times I’ve not been a good parent to people to test their reaction. Struggling to get myself out of this one. What if I simply am a bad parent!
This falls in the category of what some people call “real life obsessions.” Another words, they are realistic concerns that have become, in the case of OCD, greatly exaggerated to the point of becoming unrealistic. These can be difficult. The big problem is that because of compulsive acts the fears become so greatly enlarged that they become really, really believable. Often, in these cases, it is necessary to take the judgment of someone you trust on whether or not there is really a problem. That’s tough to do, but it’s simply must be done at times because the belief has just become, so strong that it can no longer be dealt with rationally by the OCD suffer. Another approach to this, is to tell yourself during the week I’m going to assume that this is an obsessional fear and not pay attention to it. I’m going to simply try to, do what I think a good parent without OCD would do. And then, spend some real time on a weekend, perhaps an hour or two, trying to read up and clarify on what being a good parent really looks like, and try to evaluate yourself as realistically as you can. This would be a quick answer to how I generally approach these sorts of obsessions when I work with somebody. But let’s hear what some other people think if they have any experience with these real-life obsessions and what they would recommend. How about it, somebody else?
Sorry I missed this reply. In the end I stopped asking people what they thought about my parenting – because this is itself is a compulsion for me and I’ll keep confessing over and over the way I feel I’ve failed.
Instead I wrote out all the possibilities. Then I gave them to God and said I trust him with whichever one may be true and ask him to convict me where I need convicting. Meanwhile I carry on in love but acting out of love not out of a desire to do it perfectly.
That’s great! After all these years, I have come to realize that Christianity is pretty simple. We’ve just got to trust God that his merciful will is behind everything that happens. What God wants is what is right in front of us happening right now. Then we have just got to try to follow the commandments, which essentially amount to loving others.
i have dealt with OCd all my life and have reached the point where it is pretty manageable. But I’ve been hit by a curve ball in that 40+ years ago I moved away and didn’t deal with a possible child issue, and I have confessed this sin to Christ and truly do feel forgiven. I feel this is accurate because often I will forget and move on. Other times I will start obsessing that I should go back and search out the truth. I have no desire to do that, I’ve spoken with a couple very respectable strong Christian friends. One is a part time pastor. Both say I’m forgiven and I need to move on. One says I have absolutely no right to go back and stir up a pot that I walked away from and where I was never invited by the mother involved. In fact I was kept out of that loop until a government person wanted money after all decisions were made…. None of which I was ever made aware of. I have made myself very findable on social media if they ever wanted me to be involved. I have prayed extensively about this and left it in gods hands with the mindset that if anyone ever chooses to come and find me and or involve me I would not turn away but if God does not bring that to pass then I will trust that he worked it out for good and someone took responsibility and my position forty years downstream is to be thankful to God and Christ for my forgiveness and try to love god and people right where I am and do His will from a thankful heart. I am ok with this yet I find myself periodically ruminating to an excessive degree that I should go find these people and then??? I don’t desire a relationship with any of them. It is pride and selfish desire to relieve my guilt and the rumination feels very very much like the ruminations I have had too many times in the past on other scrupulosity, harming, etc etc intrusive thoughts. I think I am right to put this in Gods hands and look forward not backwards. And I’m willing if God so ordains and someone knocks on my door. From a human perspective the fact that they never told me what was happening strongly suggests they didn’t want me involved…. Or that it may not even have been mine and I was just part of a government look for any and all partners that match the timeline.
Any thoughts?
Hi John, You say, ” It is pride and selfish desire to relieve my guilt and the rumination feels very very much like the ruminations I have had too many times in the past on other scrupulosity, harming, etc etc intrusive thoughts. I think I am right to put this in Gods hands and look forward not backwards.” That sounds exactly right. Basically, it sounds like you are looking for more reassurance here on something that you already know the truth about. I don’t blame you…people just don’t understand how strong and how believable obsessional fears become when they strike. However, you have asked enough people. You must trust the people you have consulted when your own confidence in your own decision becomes overtaken by obsessional fear. Very important that you try to stop the ruminations, take the risk of trusting the people you have consulted, and through that trial you will learn to trust in the Lord more. This is certainly the purpose of it all. You might also start seeing an OCD therapist again, as you may well need to proceed with some ERP exercises on this. What do you think?
I have been grappling with this verse of Scripture in relation to OCD and cannot get my head around it. “Perfect love casts out all fear”.
Can anyone help? Many thanks.
That’s a great question. I have always sort of breezed over that passage, assuming that perfect love was closely related to perfect trust. Obviously, if we would have perfect trust in God, then we would not have fear. But this is a good question, because now I can see that there are other more confounding ways to look at this verse. For instance, the greater, we loved someone, one might argue, the more we would fear losing that person. So, let’s take a look at what Martin Luther said about this. The most succinct quote I can find is from his lectures on the first epistle of Saint John.
“True Christians have love, but they have this from their confidence. For I do not flee from what I love. Therefore if I love God, I do not flee from Him but go to Him as to a Father. Accordingly, just as in war these feelings are mixed, so trembling fights with love, unbelief with faith. Indeed, sometimes it seems that unbelief is victorious. But God supports this weakness, as He did in Christ, who was completely victorious even in the midst of trial. “My God, My God!” He cries (Matt. 27:46). How great this confidence was! “Not as I will, but as Thou wilt,” He says in Matt. 26:39. Therefore He puts His confidence in the will of God…. Perfect love, on the other hand, casts out fear. For perfect or pure love springs from the confidence that constantly takes hold of God.”
My thought is that we ought to go with this interpretation, even though we might think of others, or OCD might throw up others into our face. The way we want to interpret this verse is that perfect love follows from the confidence that constantly takes hold of God. So, let’s work for that confidence, which is the same as trust. Our cases of OCD offer us with direct opportunities to increase in confidence, to “prove” our trust, and to learn to trust more in God. What do you all think?
Joy, I am so glad you have newfound hope. Please let us know if you run into to some difficulties, which the enemy always seems to find a way to provide. We can offer our two bits of advice!
I am so happy that I stumbled on to this website. I have struggled with trying to be a confident believer in Christ and fighting battles with my doubt due to my thought disorder. I have hope now that I know that I am not alone and there are others like me in the world of believers.
Salvation is a gift that God gives us and we need to be comfortable with the fact that His grace is sufficient enough to carry us through the doubt.
I heard of this vision a long time ago I’ll share with you guys – I hope it encourages you as it does me.
This person saw someone (who was a believer) in the ring boxing with Satan and Jesus was the ref. I’m sure you know this but in boxing if you knock your opponent out for 10 seconds and they don’t get up or recover the fight is over.
The bell rang and the fight began. This person was doing really well against Satan, but then all of a sudden Satan got some shots in. Before the opponent realised it, Satan had wobbled them and landed a huge hit causing them to crash to the canvas.
Jesus (the ref in the vision) began the count. 1, 2, 3, 4 – there was no movement or life in the person. Jesus continued the count 5, 6, 7, 8 – by now Satan was running around thinking I’ve won this fight it’s over. Jesus continued 9, 10.
Satan ran to the turnbuckle and celebrated laughing. I won. I won. I won.
Jesus looked at him and said 11, 12, 13.
Satan confused and angrily shouted wooooaaahhhhhh wait! I knocked him down for the ten count I won, why are you still counting!!!?!?!?!
Jesus looked at him and said, Noooo you don’t understand or get it do you? I NEVER COUNT ANY OF MY CHILDREN OUT!
The prophet encouraged us saying no matter how hard you get hit, no matter how long you’ve been down for know this Jesus will continue the count as long as it takes. He never gives up on anyone and never counts His children out.
I share that to encourage us all and myself. The count will go on as long as it needs to. We just have to make sure we keep getting up and back in the fight! OCD may hit us, we may give in to compulsions, but Jesus will never count us out!
Hello, Doctor. I’m currently in counseling for intrusive thoughts. My counselor recently recommended your book, Can Christianity Cure Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder which i haven’t read yet. I watched your YouTube video which summaries your book. I have a few questions. First, how do you know the brain chemistry is changed? How does one measure it? I’m one of those who is skeptical about clinical depression and OCD as a medical problem. I believe people can be depressed or have OCD, but I’m not onboard with treating with medicine. My second question deals with the technique. One example you used was if someone was afraid of germs they should get their hands dirty and not wash for awhile. How does that work if the thought is bodily harm to others? The mother who thinks about stabbing her children. I don’t think you would suggest that she actually stabs her children, but how would you help her for when those thoughts pop in her mind?
Hi April, the data supporting OCD as a biological disorder is overwhelming. Some of the methods for measuring the changes in brain chemistry are covered in my first book, and in detail in many many other books and articles. So is the data for the effectiveness of SSRI medication’s in the treatment for OCD. I think you’re doing a real disservice to yourself not to use medication’s. From a Christian standpoint, meds are a gift from God for our benefit in the case of OCD. I truly believe that. Your second question is a good one, that is how to treat OCD when the obsessions involve bodily harm. Almost always, we use “imaginal exposure exercises” in these cases. These sorts of exercises are described in most OCD therapy box and some detail. Hope that’s helpful. All the best, Dr.O
Hi everyone,
Hope you’re all well 🙂
I struggle with religious OCD and over the years my OCD has danced around many themes and doctrines. I’ve had religious questions which plagued me and no matter how much research I did it didn’t help but got worse. I currently struggle hugely with the glory of God teaching and my OCD will tell me a real Christian would rejoice in this therefore you’re not a real Christian.
A theologian friend of mine who hasn’t got OCD or understand it very well gave me some advice sometime which has so helped me I thought I’d share it and see other peoples thoughts.
He said the key to theology is to able to walk to the edge of the abyss, look over the edge (in other words to explore some of these doctrines in depth when needed), BUT ALWAYS COME BACK TO THE CENTRE. The centre being the simple doctrine that God is good and love.
Any teaching he said you can’t filter through that foundation it’s either not your time to understand it or you need to trust God and put it on the shelf for now. Either one day you’ll understand it through that filter or maybe you won’t but you can trust God either way and choose to believe that doctrine first.
That advice has been so helpful to me love to hear other peoples thoughts and experience…..
Great comment, Mark. We must remember that we cannot come to knowledge of God by ourselves. It takes grace, and God knows when we are ready to receive it. I myself have been much helped by the wise counsel, “Christianity is not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be lived.” Needless to say, OCDers think too much.
In a similar vein, Luther makes this interesting comment in his Commentary on the first 22 Psalms, “the word “holy”… signifies separate and secret; and, in a word, that which can be touched neither by sense nor by the powers of the natural mind. But this is hard to be received by, and unbearable to, human nature ; unless the Spirit of the Lord move upon these waters, and brood over the darkness of this abyss until the light shine.”
Any other thoughts about good advice in this area?
100% love that. I been reflecting recently on how it is the Lord who gives spiritual insight. In my OCD battles over doctrines I can read however much I want but I’ll never grasp a subject under fear, OCD or unless the Lord opens my mind to understand it. I truly believe for some of us God is far more interested in us learning to trust Him without answers than giving answers. Maybe then the subjects will become more clear to us or we can live with the uncertainty in trust.
Flesh and blood did not reveal this to you but my Father in Heaven Peter.
Proverbs 2:6 – For the Lord gives wisdom and out of His mouth come knowledge and understanding.
So many Scriptures and passages to illustrate this like the road to Emmeus. The list goes on.
For me this article really helped and I recommend everyone to read this with similar battles. I feel this is breakthrough the late great Evangelist Billy Graham had is the privileged opportunity God affords to us sufferers.
May God give us all the grace to learn to trust Him through this battle.